The food of Slovenia
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These notes were made during a short trip to this country. These are just our food experiences and you may have a totally different experience depending on your budget, where you travel and where you eat.
03 Sep 2005 Slovenia
Slovenian food is also very influenced by Turkish and Greek cuisine, with lots of Kebab shops around. There are also many pizzerias due to the Italian influence. It is the land of hearty grain bread, with the occasional white bread in sight. Paprika is a common spice used in cooking. Beer is consumed quite early in the day. Near our hostel there was one sighting of a 9.30am consumption.
Hot dogs and sausages
There are street stalls all over town selling fried hot fast food. Items for sale include hot dogs, sausages and hamburgers made from very large patties served in a flat pita-like rolls with mustard and tomato sauce or capsicum salsa and raw onions. Another variety of this is cerapcici kajmakon, which is hamburger meat made into elongated meat balls served the same.
Another fast food they serve at these stalls is prebanec sklobaso - beans and onions in a peppery stew eaten with a chunk of bread and a sausage on top.
Puranji zrezek gobemi
Thin chicken fillet grilled with mushrooms and served with mayonnaise, tomato sauce, pita bread and chips.
A similar meal to the Turkish Boregi, layers of soft thick pastry, almost like pasta, containing different fillings. For breakfast egg, sugar and lemon as the filling. Other flavours include pizza with tomato base.
muesli, ground bran (which is served with hot milk to form a paste like consitency), sliced grain bread with jam, sliced cold meats and cheeses, sliced capsicum (all colours), sausages and fresh fruit.
Fried cheese is a common menu item
Capsicums are a pale green yellowy colour
- Cockta - Slovenia’s answer to cola soft drink.
- Ledeni caj - iced sweetened tea which is quite popular.
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