Victoria, Australia

Lakes Entrance is situated in the Gippsland area between the towns of Bairnsdale and Orbost. The town is located at a man-made channel that links Bass Strait and the Tasman Sea.

Top Places to See and Things to Do

  1. Go fishing from one ofthe jetties
  2. Catch a feerry from Paynesville to Raymond Island
  3. Browse the markets on occasional Saturdays and Sundays
  4. Eat fresh fish and chips
  5. Go swimming at 90 mile beach or at 'the entrance'.
  6. Have a beer at the historic Metung Hotel
  7. Cross the wooden footbridge to 90 mile beach
  8. get an overview of the waterways from Jemmy's Lookout
  9. .
  10. .

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Metung Hotel Metung Hotel at Lakes Entrance


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