Website Feedback
- i love this site and this is great information (from gary "tyler" smith, Jan 2013)
- thank you for this reliable information... (from BMS, Nov 2012)
- this sight is very helpful.. especially for students.... thanks for your help. (from vivian medel, Nov 2012)
- Its great to be knowing who rule the universe interms of speed and strongness. Thanks a lot for educating me. (from Lontubu peter, Oct 2012)
- thanks for the data you collect i like and read it often because i enjoy adventures (Murun, Aug 2012)
- this website is very helpful for our projects.thank you for making this website (from saste, July 2012)
- I think this was really good help and is good research :) (from tatum, May 2012)
- This is a great website and i really like it like i said (from kyra, April 2012)
- Great work on the web it really has given me some good info on perrigrin falcons even though I knew loads! (from lozadoodles, April 2012)
- Just wanted to take a moment this afternoon to send a big thank you your way. My tenth grade health students are putting together presentations on active summer safety and came across your page on Hiking Safety. Several kids in my class found the hiking information on your page helpful to their project research and I felt it appropriate to pass along their positive feedback! :) (from Linda Fuller, March 2012)
- Great and clear information. love the website. Learned a lot. (from Sascha Michel, March 2012)
- Well done in compiling all the info. Good help. (from damo, March 2012)
- Thanks for your site.. I find it very interesting and motivating. I love travelling but I don't get much done since I dont have anyone to travel with (from Maj, June 2011)
- Your website was very helpful for my assignment! Rozi (Sep 2010)
- Hey guys! My name is Carlos from the Domiican Republic! (yeah, you haven't visited here) lol. Well I just wanna say that you have an impressive and exciting website ... those pics you have are just amazing ... by the way, you are very good photographers (Oct 2009)
- Just found your website and the info is great - thanks for sharing! Hayley (Sept 2009)
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